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Did I forget to file my 8962 form?


Updated: Oct 15, 2018

Covered California auto-generated letters recently to each of its enrollees to let them know if they have not filed an 8962 form with their taxes that they are required to do so. The 8962 form is what your tax adviser completes based on the 1095A document Covered California provides you. This form is completed every year with your annual taxes to show that you have medical coverage. As part of your enrollment with Covered California, you are required to file taxes every year.

If you are not sure whether the form was filed, please contact your tax adviser to confirm.

Each year Covered California sends out a 1095A document for your taxes which shows the months you were covered and how much you paid for coverage each month. The 1095A can easily be overlooked, as it usually at the back of a letter from Covered California. It is always a good idea to review any paperwork you receive from your insurance carrier and Covered California, in case something important is attached.

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