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AgencyBloc Groups

Navigating a Group Contact Record

Added 5/23/2023

Adding a New Employee & Contact Record 

Added 5/24/2023

Adding an Employee onto a Group Policy

(continuation of prior video)

Added 5/24/2023

Adding an Employee onto a Group Policy w/

Dependents & Different Eff Dates

Added 5/24/2023

To view the videos full size, click on the X shape in the bottom right hand of the video, next to the v.

Adding an Employee to a Group Record

Added 5/23/2023

Adding a New Policy to a Group

Added 5/24/2023

Adding an Employee to Multiple Group Policies

Added 5/23/2023

Adding Lives onto the Group Policies

(after each enrollee has been added)

Added 5/24/2023

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