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A Note from Our Office

As concerns regarding COVID-19 grow, we are committed to keeping our staff and clients safe.

Therefore, while we are open for business, we are restricting visitors to our office effective immediately and cutting back our office hours. We will continue to follow the guidelines suggested by the CDC and state for as long as necessary.

Please rest assured we are still here for you! We are working (whether from home or in office) and are reachable by phone or email. We are available to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have.

You can reach Jennifer @

You can reach Leslie @

You can reach Ashley @

Please take care of yourselves and be safe. We value each and every one of you! 


Visit the California Department of Public Health

for up to date, accurate information for our State. 

Insurance/ Health Share Information

As we receive updated information from the

carriers, we will share this information with you.


Please click on the image below for your carrier or health share provider to read the information that pertains to you.

One Share.png
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